【请务必确认下列事项 致已购买9th Story Concert『Nein』〜欢迎光临西洋古董阁楼堂〜特等席门票的顾客 官方周边商品事前预购事宜】
IMPORTANT: Announcement regarding Sound Horizon 9th Story Concert [Nein] ~ Welcome to Western antique attic Hall ~ Premium Seat Official goods reservation in advance period.

[How to reserve official goods in advance]

�2015年4月6日(一)18:00至4月13日(一)23:59,将在Web Shop展开Sound Horizon 9th Story Concert『Nein』〜欢迎光临西洋古董阁楼堂〜的特等席特典(※追加公演除外)官方周边商品事前预购活动。
Starting from April 6rd (Mon) 2015 18:00~ 「SoundxLinked Horizon Web Shop」Official goods advance reservation will start.

※预购开始日将与特设网站同时发出预购开始的通知邮件。收信邮箱地址与本邮件相同,请将Salon de Horizon事务局(moc.nozirohdnuos|nolas#moc.nozirohdnuos|nolas)发出的邮件设定为可接收。

※We will send out to all registered email addresses informing when the registration opens. The same message above will be sent out. Please confirm/double check that you are able to accept emails from (moc.nozirohdnuos|nolas#moc.nozirohdnuos|nolas).

[Official goods advance registration opening date and time]

2015年4月 6日(一)18:00〜4月13日(一)23:59
April 6rd (Mon) 2015 18:00 ~ April 13th (Mon) 23:59

Please access to the link within the term and login with your ID/PASS.
• 非歌迷会/Web shop ID,请使用特等席顾客专用周边商品事前预售ID/PASS。
• Please be aware that this ID/PASS differes from your Fan Club/ Web Shop ID. This ID/PASS is only for those with Premium Seat tickets.
Please double check before submitting.
!!For each ticket, 1 ID/PASS will be given.
Please use the same ID/PASS below for your companion.


【同行者ID/PASS】 [Companions ID/PASS]
ID: 0000000000

Once you are logged in, you will be asked to select the item you would like to purchase and to enter your information. Please fill in the required information.

 All product payments shall be made before April 19th (Sun) 2015.
※若是购物金额未确认入帐,该笔消费将自动取消,尚请见谅。/ If payment cannot be confirmed your order will automatically be cancelled.
※付款方式可选择银行汇款或使用信用卡/ Purchase by Cash or Credit Card is accepted.
※无法接受货到付款/ Cash on delivery is unavailable

�领取商品 / How to pick up your item/purchase
会场将设置专门的领取窗口。/ We will prepare a pick up counter/box
• 各会场的领取地点与时间等详细资讯将于日后公布。
• Place and time for each venue is to be announced.
仅9th Story Concert官方周边可于会场领取,同时订购的其他商品届时将无法领取。
Only purchased “9th Story Concert Official goods” are available for pick up. Other products purchased at the same timing cannot be picked up at the same place.

■关于各品项的购买数量限制/ About the limit of purchase for each item
各品项最多得购买2件。/ Each item purchase is limit of 2 each.
• 重复登入购买以致各品项的购买总数超过2件时,该笔消费将自动取消,敬请留意。
• Please be aware that If we find you (accessing more than needed/purchasing more than the limit) we will cancel your order.
※When cancellation is made, the transfer free will be deducted from the total when refunding the money to the bank account you have transferred the money from.

(Please be aware that you may be charged sending fee)

• 一般商品无法使用Paypal付款。 
• Paypay cannot be used for other products
• Web Shop无法提供海外寄送服务。来自海外的顾客若是同时订购一般商品,则一般商品的部分将自动取消,敬请留意。
• The “Web Shop” is limited to domestic shopping. For customers abroad, ordered products (only regularly sold products) will automatically be canceled.

【注意事项】/ 【Attention】
・K=¥ / K = JPY (Japan Yen)
All product images are sample images. Please understand the products may differ from the image.
On site official goods pick up windows are scheduled to open 2hrs in advance. However, please understand that the time may not be consistent due to congestion situation.
Shop Regular hours are to be announced on the Official HP.
Additional performance Premium Seat limited official goods, advance reservation Starts March 16th (Thurs) 18:00 ~ Ends April 22nd (Wed) 23:59
■官方周边商品【商品】相关谘询方式 For more information about the official goods
・订单更改等事项请联络 pj.pohsbew-nozirohdnuos|ofni#pj.pohsbew-nozirohdnuos|ofni・订单合并丶收件地址变更等重要事项请勿写于备注栏,尽量以邮件通知。
订单相关谘询方式(※与出货人员联络,无法处理有关商品本身的问题。) TEL:0120-700-689 」
「Sound ×Linked Horizon Web shop(通贩)商品相关谘询请与 moc.e-hpmuirt|sdoog-hs#moc.e-hpmuirt|sdoog-hs 联络。」(出货相关的电话谘询服务时间为AM10:00〜12:00 13:00〜18:00)
■Sound × Linked Horizon Web shop(官方周边商品网路商店) (Official goods nline store website)